We find many helpful metaphors throughout the Bible, pictures that help us understand what God is teaching. One is the image of pottery, clay in a master's hands. He created us to be masterpieces for various purposes. We were all created unique and to be in a deep relationship with God. Yet every human resists God. We doubt his existence, goodness, and love. We believe, "we got this!" We believe we are better off without Him. This attitude and our actions flowing from it are called sin. The effect of sin is a brokenness that leads to dysfunction and death. We see this in our relationships, communities, and politics. We see it in our physical, emotional, and mental health. We can see it in us and everywhere around us. Yet, there is something deep within every human that knows life could be different. So we hunger and search for something to solve the problem, fill the gap, and put us back together the way we feel we should be!
Unlike the nursery rhyme, which tells us of all the king's horses and all the king's men who tried and failed, the Bible tells us the King himself is the one who makes things right again. Jesus set restoration in motion when he came from heaven to earth. He lived the life God intended, died the death sin required, and won the right to restore all things when he rose from the dead. Then he took his rightful place on the throne of the universe, unfolding and revealing God's perfect plan and purpose. He invites everyone everywhere to be restored and part of what he's doing in the world. All people can respond to that invitation by faith, trusting Jesus to restore us to be Uncommon People with Uncommon Purpose, and following His way!
God created us for a purpose! Jesus restores us and renews our purpose. He doesn't make us all the same; he uses our uniqueness, history, difficulties, and successes. He redeems every part of us for his use. This isn't servitude; it's a rewarding opportunity. The opportunity to fulfill our original purpose, to glorify God by joining him in his creative work, work that brings us joy and abundant life.
God's plan is unfolding and impacting the world through His people, the people who trust and follow Jesus. Another biblical metaphor for God's people is that we are Jesus' body. We are His hands and feet here on earth, working out his plan in the world. Another metaphor is that God's people are Jesus' bride. Jesus loves us like a groom passionately loves his bride. He demonstrated that by giving His life for us. So, while we work out his plan on earth, he is preparing a place for us and a celebration banquet, a wedding party that we will enjoy with him one of these days. It will be the best party in history, and you're invited.